On 16-17 July Tsaghkahovit hotel hosted the participants of CTUA seminar. The event was organized by Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia’s educational-research center in cooperation with International Labour
Organization on the subject "Reforms in the CTUA and a collective agreement". Among the participants were the staff of the CTUA and the representatives of state branches.
Anton Leppic (Brussels), the Counselor of the Pan-European Regional Council of the International Trade Union Confederation was also participating in this two-day seminar. He introduced the International Trade Union Confederation, its structure and the important role in the international movement of trade unions.
The seminars were full of discussions and many new ideas. The Chairman of the CTUA E.Tumasyan summed up the seminar mentioning the relevance of the topics covered and the need to integrate into the international trade union movement.
2018-05-03 Special prize for high-quality service
The Georgian travel agency Wonderland awarded the hotel complex Tsaghkahovit with a special prize for high-quality service and long-term cooperation.
Receiving such a prize is a pleasure, but at the same time binding, as it is a unique assessment of the work done and a prepayment for future actions.
2017-10-24 Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia choses Tsaghkahovit for the 4th year
On October 19-20, another event was held at the Conference Hall of the hotel Tsaghkahovit. This time, the participants were the members of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia (CTUA). The seminar was organized by the CTUA Educational Research Center, the subject of which was "Optimization issues, peculiarities and their social impacts".
In April 25-26 at the hotel "Tsaghkahovit" Helsinki Committee of Armenia held a course on "Rights and discrimination" organized for journalists and representatives of national minorities.
2015-03-27 “Tsaghkahovit” won the special prize, thanks to high guest rating
The Hotel of "Tsaghakahovit" it was awarded a special prize and the thankful message from the authoritative site BOOKING.COM.
Analyzing the estimates of guests given to hotels in a cut of the 2014th year, by the published results of the site booking.com providing services of online reservation of hotels and rest houses, the hotel of Tsakhkaovit in the nomination of the best responses received an assessment 8.3 (at 10 points).
In the letter of thanks of the director of the site Booking.com it is noted: